fall fixes

Photo source: Flickr https://bit.ly/2NUJFdT

Weather changes can affect your home. You can prepare ahead for the cold season.

Make sure you:

  1. Clean the vent hood
  2. Refresh the window boxes
  3. Service smoke alarms
  4. Wash away pollen
  5. Drain the water heater
  6. Fertilize your lawn
  7. Check the exterior lights
  8. Drain and store hoses
  9. Move cold-sensitive items inside
  10. Dust heating vents
  11. Upgrade your thermostat
  12. Extend downspouts

More details and insights on these jobs on the article on ThisOldHouse:

14 Fast Fall Fixes

And if you want to move to the interior, you should make sure you check these 5 boxes first:

1. Perform a pantry audit.

2. Test and clean your smoke detectors.

3. Flip your mattress.

4. Shampoo your carpet.

5. Vacuum all upholstered surfaces.

Source: Good Housekeeping

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